Must-read ‘Assorted Crisis Events’ Rushed Back to Print

Deniz Camp’s triumphant multi-apocalyptic comic Assorted Crisis Events is undoubtedly one of the comic book events of the year, and we’re only in March. The launch of issue #1 has been so successful that publisher Image has used it back to print! 

When we gave Assorted Crisis Events a 5-star review, we could see it becoming an enormous success. The comic comes from a stellar creative team, including award-winning team of Deniz Camp (Absolute Martian Manhunter), artist Eric Zawadzki (House of El), colourist Jordie Bellaire (Birds of Prey), and letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. Assorted Crisis Events is an action-packed, chaotic, multi-apocalyptic series pushes the boundaries of the comic medium, while also being grounded enough to tell a very human story.

Assorted Crisis Events is utterly bonkers from the outset. It sets the scene in a word where time has become so distorted that everything happens at once — events and people from the distant past and far future collide. Behind every corner there could be cavemen, medieval knights, cyborg soldiers, and other unlikely entities. And naturally, there’s people cashing in on the end of the world. Every page will shock you, surprise you, or simply bewilder you. If you’re a fan of Doctor Who, Black Mirror, or Crisis on Infinite Earths — this’ll be right up your alley.

Image Comics rushes Assorted Crisis Events #1 back to print!

Given just how good Assorted Crisis Events is, I’m not surprised whatsoever to hear that Image has rushed it back to print. Issue #1 sold out completely at the distributor level. The second printing arrives in stores on Wednesday, April 9.

In a statement, writer Deniz Camp celebrated the success of the work. “Assorted Crisis Events has been the work of years, with everyone on the team pushing themselves to do their most daring, truest work,” he said.

“It was a risk that we all took together, and it’s amazing to see readers respond to it so strongly. I am so full of gratitude; to my collaborators, to retailers who got behind the book early and aggressively, and to readers who picked it up, talked to their friends about it, posted online, made videos about it. And thanks to Image, for being the only place a book like Assorted Crisis Events could exist.”

Needless to say, Assorted Crisis Events is an absolute gem of a comic. If you haven’t picked it up yet, I implore you to do so! You can purchase issue #1 on Amazon Kindle here. Issue #2 debuts in comic book stores on Wednesday, April 16.

About the author

Ashley is the owner and editor-in-chief of Comics Bulletin. His favorite comics are The Sandman and The Walking Dead. When not covering comics and news on Comics Bulletin, he also writes on various geeky sites across the internet, such as and He's been writing news and interviewing industry members for many years now. Ashley took over Comics Bulletin in 2025.

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